Green white hoops - Sporting Clube de Portugal
This site displays my collection of shirts of Sporting Clube de Portugal (wrongly known abroad as "Sporting Lisbon") and its affiliates, as well as other teams, Portuguese and foreign, that have also used the green white hoops, or a shirt similar to the classic Sporting Stromp shirt. Most are replicas, some are matchworn. The English pages of the site are seldom updated since 2015. The Portuguese pages therefore have a lot more shirts on display.
I only collect old match worn shirts without player name. If you have any, contact me! In other cases, I will probably not respond.
Click on the photos to see all the jerseys
I also show photos from shirts that do not belong to me (with green background), in order to document as well as possible the evolution of the Sporting kit. Thanks are due to all those who sent me photos of their shirts and made this site possible. I also thank those who gave me information and help.
I'm always looking for old Sporting CP shirts, so if you have one, email me! And if you know a team that is not yet here, please let me know. Note however, that I am only interested in shirts that are horizontal green/white stripes of equal size, or the right side completely white and the left side completely green (Stromp shirt). Vertical green/white stripes, or shirts with stripes of different sizes, or generic shirts with some green and some white, do not interest me. Above all, I am interested in Sporting Lisbon shirts, so if you have any for sale, contact me.
You can see the latest arrivals in the page dedicated to the new jerseys, as well as some special pages.