Cristiano Ronaldo Sporting Lisbon shirts: never worn
Cristiano Ronaldo has a legion of fans around the world. Many of them like to have CR7 shirts, and it is said that his 80 million sterling pound fee transfer was entirely payed for by the replica shirts sold with his name on. Because there are not so many, unscrupulous sellers take any old Sporting shirt, and apply the Cristiano Ronaldo lettering and number. Sometimes from the correct font for the season, sometimes just any old lettering.
Some fans take this to the next level, and want to have one of Cristiano Ronaldo's match worn shirts, that is, the jerseys that he wore in a football match on the pitch. These are rare, very hard to find, and usually extremely expensive. Particularly rare are his Sporting Lisbon shirts, because he played in the main team only for one season, and therefore these are extremely sought after.
To cater for all these people, there is a growing number of replica shirts that more or less look like match worn Ronaldo jerseys, but that in fact were never even close to him. All the shirts shown here fall into this category. Some are sold by honest dealers, who do not claim the shirts to be match worn, and state directly that the shirt is a replica. Very often, however, other sellers go out of their way to try to convince people that these are in fact match worn. Sometimes the very funny term "match un worn" is used.
These shirts are almost always very different from the real ones; one common mistake is to put a patch and a player name and number, on a shirt from the wrong season. Several of the " Cristiano Ronaldo" here fall into this category. That people pay sometimes hundreds of euros for clearly forged shirts is amazing, and proves only that a fool and his money are easily parted.
You can see what's new in the new shirt section. You can also simply take a look at all the Sporting Lisbon jerseys. You can see some of the Cristiano Ronaldo match worn football shirts in this link.
Cristiano Ronaldo Sporting Lisbon shirts: fake jerseys from 2000/01
Sporting Clube de Portugal
2000/2001. CR28 was very far away from playing with the main team. Ansd as a junior he was not the 28

Sporting Clube de Portugal
2000/2001. Another totally fake Cristiano Ronaldo shirt, sold on ebay to some fool who probably is very proud of it.

Sporting Clube de Portugal
2000/2001. So fake it hurts. Such "Cristiano Ronaldo" jerseys were never produced by Sporting Lisbon

Sporting Clube de Portugal
2000/2001. One of the most horrendous "Sporting Lisbon Cristiano Ronaldo" shirts ever to appear. In over one century of history, Sporting never ever used blue player name and number

Sporting Clube de Portugal
2000/2001. Another horrendous shirt, with an unbelievably badly made player number. It seems to be that, first, a white rectangle was applied to the back, and then the (wrong) player number on top

Sporting Clube de Portugal
2000/01. Fake Sporting Lisbon Cristiano Ronaldo shirt. Do we need to explain? Ronaldo never played with Sporting's senior team this season
Sporting Clube de Portugal
2001/02. Fake Sporting Lisbon Cristiano Ronaldo shirt. Wrong season, wrong number, wrong nameset
Sporting Clube de Portugal
2000/2001. Another Cristiano Ronaldo jersey from the wrong year, this one away version. With price tag, showing honestly that it is a replica shirt

Cristiano Ronaldo fake football shirts from 2001/02
Sporting Clube de Portugal
2001/2002, replica with Cristiano Ronaldo name and number on the back. He wasn't even part of the senior Sporting Lisbon squad this year. He did play with the main squad in a friendly, but this is not the shirt he wore.
National champion, winner of Cup and Supercup

Sporting Clube de Portugal
2001/2002, another Cristiano Ronaldo replica, that some seller tried to pass off as prepared, and even succeeded. The name CR28 seems to blind the fools.

Sporting Clube de Portugal
2001/02. Fake Sporting Lisbon Cristiano Ronaldo shirt. Ronaldo player in the U21 side this season. He player a friendly with the senior side, but his noumber was not 28. The Liga patch is also totally fake
Sporting Clube de Portugal
2001/2002, away shirt with name and number of Cristiano Ronaldo, patched up with the Portuguese Football Federation patch on the shoulder.

Sporting Clube de Portugal
2001/2002, away Cristiano Ronaldo Sporting Lisbon jersey. Wrong season, wrong shirt.

Sporting Clube de Portugal
2001/2002, laughable Cristiano Ronaldo Sporting Lisbon jersey. All the details are wrong

Cristiano Ronaldo fake soccer jerseys from 2002/03
Sporting Clube de Portugal
2002 - 2022. CR29 - In the 2002/03 pre-season Cristiano Ronaldo played a few games with the 2001/02 hooped and Stromp shirt, sometimes with number 29 - without player name, though. This shirt was made in 2022 with CR's name set
Sporting Clube de Portugal
2002/2003, replica shirt with Cristiano Ronaldo name and number, patched up with the Liga patch on the shoulder. Not match worn.

Sporting Clube de Portugal
2002/03, fabricated Cristiano Ronaldo shirt. Nameset made in 2014, reprodution of the 2002/03 type, forged Liga patch
Sporting Clube de Portugal
2002/03, or is it?! This was made to order in 2013 or 2014 in Asia. It is a bad case of counterfeiting sold as an original Ronaldo Sporting jersey. It has no relationship with the true CR28 shirts
Sporting Clube de Portugal
2002/03. Fake Sporting Lisbon Cristiano Ronaldo shirt. Shirt is from the correct season, but name set is a modern reproduction
Sporting Clube de Portugal
2002/03. Fake Sporting Lisbon Cristiano Ronaldo shirt. Right season, nameset produced in the 2010s, fake
Sporting Clube de Portugal
2002/03. Cristiano Ronaldo shirt. The shirt itself is flawless, the namset is a modern reproduction, made around 2019
Sporting Clube de Portugal
2002/2003, replica away shirt with Cristiano Ronaldo name and number applied, but it's the wrong letter type. Clearly this was applied in some corner print shop.

Sporting Clube de Portugal
2002/03. Fake away Sporting Lisbon Cristiano Ronaldo shirt. Name set very different from the true Reebok original. Liga patch a poor fake
Cristiano Ronaldo Sporting Clube de Portugal fake football shirts from 2003/04
Sporting Clube de Portugal
2003/04. Long sleeves. Produced end 2018 or beginning 2019. Poor counterfeit low quality reproduction. Why do people buy these things?
Sporting Clube de Portugal
2003/04. Short sleeves. Produced end 2018 or beginning 2019. Poor counterfeit low quality reproduction. Why do people buy these things?
Sporting Clube de Portugal
2003/2004, Cristiano Ronaldo hooped shirt. Patched up, never was close to Ronaldo
Sporting Clube de Portugal
2003/2004, Cristiano Ronaldo home jersey. Not the correct player name and number lettering
Sporting Clube de Portugal
2003/04, fabricated Cristiano Ronaldo shirt. Nameset made in 2014, fake patch
Cristiano Ronaldo shirts from 2004/05, two years after Ronaldo left Sporting
Sporting Clube de Portugal
2004/2005, away green jersey
The last season that Cristiano Ronaldo played in Sporting Lisbon, before moving to Manchester United, was 2002/03, two years before this jersey. So incredibly fake!
Cristiano Ronaldo Sporting Lisbon shirts from 2006/07, four years after Ronaldo left Sporting
Sporting Clube de Portugal
2006/07. Home Sporting Lisbon shirt from a season where Ronaldo was gone years ago
Sporting Clube de Portugal
2006/07. Fake Sporting Lisbon Cristiano Ronaldo shirt. Ronaldo was nowhere near Sporting in this season
Cristiano Ronaldo Sporting Lisbon shirts: replica shirts
Then, there are Cristiano Ronaldo jerseys that are completely honest replica shirts, simply bought in the official shop in the right year and personalised with the right name and number letter type. These are from 2002/03 and 2003/04: in the second year Ronaldo was expected to continue in Sporting, but his performance against ManU meant he left in the pre-season. Many Sporting Club de Portugal fans bought shirts with his name anyway! Such Cristiano Ronaldo replica jerseys are in this link.
Cristiano Ronaldo Sporting Lisbon match worn jerseys
There are not very many around, and real Ronaldo match worn shirts from his short year with Sporting Club de Portugal seldom appear for sale. They are normally not bought by Sporting collectors, but by Cristiano Ronaldo collectors from abroad. Cristiano Ronaldo match worn football shirts are in this link.