Effort, Dedication, Devotion and Glory. This is Sporting

Sporting Lisbon green white hoops

African football shirts - green white hoops

This page shows football shirts and soccer jerseys from Africa that also have the green white hoops or stripes, or that are similar to the Stromp shirt (one side green, one side white). In fact not all are necessarily soccer jerseys, some may be of other sports.

You can also see the Sporting Lisbon vintage shirts, mostly match worn, as well as the new Sporting Lisbon shirt.

Bloemfontein Celtic FC

South Africa. Home shirt. Bloemfontein Celtic has a partnership with Sporting Lisbon to run one of Sporting's Football Schools around the world, the Youth Academy in Bloemfontein, home of the Celtic Colts.


iindi Moçambique camisola de futebol

Something special: in the street markets of Maputo!

Maputo is the capital of Mozambique, where the author of these pages was born. At the time, it was a Portuguese colony (for which I decline any responsibility: I was little and no-one asked for my opinion), and Maputo was called Lourenço-Marques, perhaps the most European-looking city in the whole of sub-Saharan Africa. My aunt and uncle went there visiting in 2010, and in a local market found a man wearing this shirt. Knowing I collect green/white hooped shirts, my aunt bought it from the man there and then.


Details uknown. Shirt bought in Mozambique. Eusebio, a Portuguese player of the previous century, first played football for Sporting Clube de Lourenço-Marques, one of the many affiliates of Sporting Lisbon spread around the world.

With thanks to Mrs. Céu Pessoa and to Mr. Francisco Lemos

iindi Mozambique shirt


Raja Club Athletic de Casablanca

Morocco. Raja Club Athletic de Casablanca shirt

Raja Club Athletic de Casablanca, Marrocos, camisola



2017. Zimbabwe national Rugby team jersey

With thanks to Hugo Vieira

2017. Zimbabwe national Rugby team jersey
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